This is a experiment into what happens if you allow the general populace a view of their local council, and provide an ability to have a virtual say on things that affect them directly.
In part this experiment has been devised as a direct result of seeing the difficulties that Cardiff Councils budget are going to cause them over the next few years. Although this is the starting point there is nothing to assume that other councils couldn't also benefit from this approach as well.
Inspired ....
Currently the site is in super ninja stealth mode as we build up the core infrastructure and work out exactly what would be needed to drive the underlying platform(s). Also, we're looking to canvas opinion into what people might actually look for from such a site and how they would plan to use it. If you want to have some input as to the final direction of the site then we encourage you to use the contact details below.
Feel free to email us to get more information, or to just say hello!